Showing posts with label saint paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saint paul. Show all posts

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jung and the West, Regarding Kundalini*

"If some great idea takes hold of us from outside, we must understand that it takes hold of us only because something in us responds to it, and goes out to meet it." --C.S. Jung
In 1932 renowned psychologist Carl Jung, former student of Sigmund Freud, delivered a scholarly paper, now collected into a book, Visions, at a psychoanalysis conference in which he discussed the practice and symbolism of Kundalini Yoga. He also revealed to his listeners a startling correlation in the West between the practice of this type of Yoga, and the experience of a sudden, and perhaps not easily reversible sudden break with the realized world in some individuals. He describes this break as a psychosis, in which the individual believes himself unable to contact with, or function in the everyday world. He is then, psychotic by Western standards, Jung states.

On 16 November 1932 at the same conference, from the transcripts which survive, C.S. Jung says, " the child has grown into a peculiar sort of tree which is human above and snake below... the Kundalini. And below the diaphragm it is all snake... And what is worm below is divine above..." "In the Chakras, the Kundalini was always separate...We must never forget that the Kundalini system is a specifically Indian production, and we have to deal here with Western material... You know that Kundalini changes on her way up to Ajna, the lower part, the part of darkness where the Purusha does not appear, is the black snake; there one is absolutely swallowed up in nature, in emotion, and everything beyond emotion is not perceived because it is not perceptible....Jung continues, "So, to a primitive, a man who thinks is most uncanny, a very bad man, a sorcerer full of hatred who will surely poison you... When you have that point of view, you are inside of the monster. When you come through the diaphragm, you are outside of the monster, and then you can see what really held you was that divine being which appeared to you, when looked at from the inside, as a big snake.

That is the reason why this being is monstrous...."There is an intuitive philosophy taken over from Proclus, the Neo-Platonist, who extolled, "Where there is time, there is creation. Thus time and creation are the same... " Jung further discusses in this same lecture the evolution of Gnosis in the Greek world and the development of Christianity. He notes that Saint Paul first was a gnostic before his conversion; the prevailing ideas of both gnosis and the phrenes of Homer. "In those days Christ ranked with Bacchus or Dionysus. In the case of the phrenes, when the hero is killed, the phrenes leave him by the mouth, or by above, but that which goes to the lower regions is the psyche... It is exactly the same in Chinese philosophy where the shen is the masculine soul that goes [rises] up to the gods; the kuei soul is female; It sinks down to the darkness... you see, the Chinese understood man as consisting of two parts...Now this kuei soul according to Eastern and Greek tradition is not slowly loses its form and vanishes into the lights of the Heavens... The little flame from my breast rushed forth and sought to merge with this figure.

What has happened here? Well, a sort of mystic union. The ego attempts to merge, or unite with the universal Self. The ego-self shows vivid desire; flame is always vivid desire to merge-- and where would that lead? To a seeming death--or to something new. Jung concludes, to the Western mind, the overly close parallels of opposite, of black and white, of hot and cold, of far and near, etc. creates a complete state of unconsciousness, a collapse of clarity. In its place, complete confusion, a state much like insanity comes to reign. Opposing factors coming too close together would render many people in a state of complete disorientation. They lose their values, their sense of rightness and have no idea what is wrong with themselves. They just feel that they simply don't care. In the mind of Kundalini, is the snake darkness? Is it light? Is it male or female? Perhaps it is both. How so? With new consciousness, what then am I? Is my 'self' enlightened, or a self, dis-integrated? However, the self may be righted again, says Jung, by dropping deeper into the Chakras system, into the water to quench the fire.

* This article, a reader favorite appeared her previously April 9, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reincarnation or Resurrection?

"I believe with complete faith, that there will be
" - revival of the dead, whenever it will be God's,
blessed be He, will to arise and do so. May His Name be blessed, and
may His remembrance arise, forever and ever."
--Thirteen Principles of Faith by Maimonides, Jewish mystic

God Is Near Us, by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, while primarily about the Christian practice of breaking bread in community, touches upon an important aspect of this practice, and the Christian teaching of the Resurrection of the Christ, completing the cycle of the Jewish Messiah, or saviour. In the "feast of the resurrection," Ratzinger writes first about the rebuke of Saint Paul upon his visit to the community at Corinth, and how it applies to modern man equally.

"When you assemble as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you; and I partly believe it, for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized... do you despise the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing?

What shall I say to you? Shall I commend you in this? No, I will not. For, I received from the Lord what I also delivered [taught] you, that on the night he was betrayed, Jesus took bread, broke it [the Passover meal], and said, "this is my body which is for you.
Do this in remembrance of me."

Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body,
eats and drinks judgment upon himself.

--Saint Paul to the Corinthians, the Bible

Saint Paul's rebuke applies to us, as the opposition of one another threatens to obscure the central mystery that is the Christ. Some nowadays argue that this ritual should not be elevated to a cultic practice as the Roman and Orthodox churches do, but rather it should be as the ordinary, the everyday, celebrated in the same way we live our lives.

This reshaping is then accused of puritanism, of calvinism, of poverty. Yet the event as described by Paul was a Passover meal; Jesus did not command his disciples to repeat the "last supper." Indeed, they could not; it was not possible. The meal was part of the annual festival of Pesach, Passover, a lunar festival with a specific date.
Jesus did not give a command to repeat this annual Jewish liturgy. So to enter into a blood relationship, in the taking of the bread and the wine, the disciples unite into a divine kinship with the Lord. By free will, they partake of his spirit in unity and wholeness.

This realization for the disciples was the result of the resurrection as both a historical and as an ultimate dimension of reality. The Christian account of the resurrection of Jesus, Ratzinger says, "offered the actual starting point for the Christian shaping of the legacy of Jesus. It was this that opened up the possibility of being present beyond the limitations of the earthly corporeal existence... The Resurrection took place on the first day of the week, the day the Jews held as the day on which the world began [time and creation]. For the disciples, this, Sun-day, became the day on which the new world
began. Its essential characteristic was now the celebration of the resurrection..."

Writing about the Resurrection, Protestant theologian, Karl Barth says in this book, The Resurrection of the Dead, that Paul rather, brings a "corrective" to the church at Corinth, scolding them; utterance and knowledge of spiritual gifts are to Paul manifestly no ends in themselves... no guarantee... that blameless, waits in the end." Appealing to the schismatics of Corinth, Paul also appeals to those who are among the cult of Apollo, to those whose belief lies not in the assurances of God, but in their own ideas of God. He exhorts them, you are not in the service of Paul, of Peter, of Apollo; on the contrary, everything is yours in Christ Jesus.

It is he, who upon the cross, declares his freedom.
Yet Barth, expounds at length about the "foolishness" on man, of their failings and weaknesses, about how they do not meet the Lord, nor share a great likeness to the Creator. Look, Barth posits, "Are not the position and counter-position in the resurrection visible here?" Barth says Christians are called as witnesses to the event, rather than participants in an ultimate reality as other Christ believers have represented, because if it is true that with the resurrection, appeared the Church, then the ends of history have commenced; if the gospel of a risen Christ is rejected, then there is rebellion against God; judgment and perishing come to rule, then faith falls back on itself.

God's wrath in the mind of some is the result. In short, Barth views the resurrection as a literal event, not historical, and not a vision or a dream. He says that man is not capable of knowing God through his own senses, because man is too puny to perceive such an exhalted being, except by the great and grand revelation of the god himself. The resurrection, in Barth's mind, is one such instance. And we are called as witnesses to believe.

Moving into traditional views held by other faiths groups, Mohammedanism
is one which holds sway for the Resurrection. Muslim teaching about the subject is discussed in the book, Resurrection Judgment and the Hereafter, by Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari. He writes, " After enjoying a brief time of life giving rays of the spirit, the body finds that its role is at an end. The compound nature of the body allowed it to house the spirit only for a limited time... The spirit being ultimately free of the body, eternal and ultimate, it is therefore the spirit alone which appears on the plain of resurrection..."

However, today this teaching is less favored among Muslim thought, writes Lari. There is however he writes of an enduring belief in the idea that "resurrection represents a complete and comprehensive return to bodily life, for nothing that pertains to man can ever be fully destroyed. Thus man resumes his life in the next world... his life unfolding on a more elevated realm than this world."

And finally, in the east, the tradition of reincarnation holds sway. While some have made the argument that resurrection came into the west from Jewish contact with ancient Persian (modern day Iran) ideas, whose citizens held strongly developed beliefs in reincarnation, its introduction to the Christian, via the Jewish world altered this notion.The modern notion of resurrection was born.