As more and more the Way of the Christ is considered, it becomes clear that a central figure, the Christian notion of a monism, is relatively new in history. What, however, some may wish to argue is that Christianity is set apart, and unto itself, through the extensive belief in a creative, and personally loving life force, a god, who makes, yet is in itself already fully fashioned. A creator who exists, one, whole and complete.
This One makes himself known as a lover, as one speaking to his beloved. The intimate, personal nature of the Spirit, this god of love has moved around the world, encircling humanity from all the ends of the earth. As Judaism prepares to enter into the year 5,770 C.E. (Sept.2009-Sept.2010), the faithful remain as a testament to this one God, this one book, Torah:
Deep Within
Deep within I will plant my Way,
not on stone, but in your heart.
Follow me, I will bring you back.
you will be my own,
and I will be your God.
I will give you a new heart,
a new spirit within you
For I will be your strength.
Seek my face
and see your God,
for I will be your hope.
Return to me
with all your heart,
and I will bring you back.
Words inspired from:
Nev'im: Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 36-26; Joel 2:12
written in this version as lyrics by David Haas